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Re: passion

Melanie wrote:
> so....i'm surprised this hasn't come up on the list, yet.  i'm wondering 
> who's seen 'the passion,' and whether or not you'd recommend it to someone 
> (me) who's a) Christian, and b) dislikes watching realistic violence on 
> screen.

I fall into both categories with you, Melanie, and I thought it was a beautiful and deeply moving film.  I hoped for more of Christ's life, but hey, that's Mel Gibson's prerogative as director/writer/producer...

> so far i've been told everything from 'it's not worth it, especially 
> considering it's only blood and gore,' to 'of course you should see it, 
> every believer should see what Christ suffered for them.'  thanks for that 
> one, mom.  for crying out loud i never made it through 'schindler's list.'

I wouldn't necessarily say it was life-changing, but it gave me a bit more perspective on (and appreciation for) Christ's suffering.  I saw it Saturday, and Sunday's Communion felt a little different for me.

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