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RE: passion

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Montgomery, Daniel E." <Montgomery@Mackinac.org>

I did give it 8 thumbs-up out of 10. Pretty good.

A good film -- but I do think Christians (especially!) need to go into it understanding that it is simply a movie, and that God's teardrop from heaven did not make an earthquake happen when it hit the ground.

i have to say i've been upset with my mom for suddenly elevating mel gibson to a can-do-no-wrong status. i've tried pointing out that it's a movie and he's an actor and she and he have wildly different brands of faith, but she doesn't really hear it. i'm trying to be happy for her, and her joy -of sorts- in the film. she loved it, was deeply moved by it, and has hopes of it changing the world. not having seen it, i've still allowed myself to be highly skeptical on all counts. but for fear of being too judgmental, i feel i should see the film.... but then i hear it's just non-stop blood and gore.... i'm not really up for that, you know?

and i LOVE the 8 thumbs out of ten rating. is mr. montgomery all thumbs?


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