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Re: [OTR] Judging a book by its cover (was: Re: brown baggin' it)]

Brad wrote:
> Dean was my second favorite. Personally, I don't understand why the
speech that sunk him Iowa had such a detrimental approach. It was a
fairly typical "rally-the-troops" effort that anybody who's ever played
football would think par for the course from the coach to the team going
into the playoffs. His howl was awkward, perhaps, ill-advised, maybe,
but hardly disqualifying.

Playing armchair quarterback here, as I'm typically apolitical... but I do
know a thing or two about marketing:

Dean's running a campaign as if he's the guy next door.  That's great, as
far as it goes... and he might make a great football coach... but Dean's
put all of his eggs into that basket, and he strikes me as entirely TOO
down-home to win.

Personally, I don't want a football coach as President, nor someone who
acts like one.  :)

World leaders (which is, after all, the position for which they're all
interviewing) shouldn't publically -howl- in my opinion, and, I think, in
the average voter's opinion.

This is also the man who showed his hand by admitting that he wanted the
votes of the 'guys in the pickup trucks with Confederate flags in the back
window' (I'm paraphrasing, but the content is accurate... )  Talk about
shooting yourself in the foot.   You might get those guys to give you a
big "hell yeah, man!" ... but the OTHER voters are going to take a step
backward from being associated with that contingent.

Dean just is entirely TOO good at imitating the 'average' American,
thinking that he'll win points on like-ability.... but he's not coming
across as authoritative enough... I think the 'average' American wants
someone they believe better than themselves to run the country.

Kucinich has the same problem, btw, looking for a First Lady on the
internet?  Puh-lease.

Just my take on it...

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