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RE: dem primary

"Anybody But Bush!!" 

That's the kind of statement I wish we liberals simply would not make. I think it's the kind of thing that gives liberals a bad name. 

Republicans said the same thing about Clinton -- Anybody But Clinton.  

It makes us armchair-politicos sound petty and unconcerned about the issues and that the ONLY important thing is getting rid of the current politician in office. Is that really the platform we true liberals want to take? 


-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Neely [mailto:bondibox@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 11:30 AM
To: over-the-rhine@actwin.com
Subject: Re: dem primary

First, let me say how warmed I am to see fellow dems (and likewise independents) on this list.  I like you folks more and more each day!

>personally, i like all of them.  was even sorry to see
>joe drop out.

I also warmed up to Leiberman, aka Dr. Zoidberg, after Iowa where he was shown on the Newshour in a candid moment at a diner eating a sundae with his wife.  The quote "If elected president, I promise hot fudge sundaes for everyone. Mmmmm"  I *really* wish I had
the VCR rolling there.

Now, for the nitty gritty.  I have come to the conclusion that Clark has the best shot.  Originally, I was a Deaner (just peeled the sticker off of my bumper as a matter of fact), but his temper, and accusations about 9-11 complicitcy made me lose heart. (BTW,
there is enormous evidence of preknowlege, and a failure to react to the disaster, but saying "I read it on the internet" is a TOTAL cop-out.  If you're gonna say something like that, have some balls).

I really didn't trust Clark for a while.  I've since learned that he was actually an independant, who voted R.  If Michael Moore can endorse him I guess it's safe.  Plus the ABB factor tells me that if he can win, send him in.  Kerry, on the other hand, could
face a bigger problem from veterans who hold a grudge about Kerry's anti-war statements in the early 70's. Also, being more liberal than Ted Kennedy isn't a plus.  Edwards, although likeable, will have the greenhorn label making it hard for middle of the road
voters to take him seriously.  Kucinich is _the_man_ (If Willie Nelson likes him, that's the mark of excellence), but I think he's too far left to get the indie vote.

IMO the strongest ticket would be Clark/Edwards.  Maybe Kerry/Sharpton would work.  No scratch that - waaaay too liberal.  The last thing I want to see is Dean going Independant as he's threatened to do.  Solidarity!  Anybody But Bush!!


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