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make friday faster

Today, officially m'birthday. The big two-eight (I hate years divisible by 7, but otherwise I'm okay with it). Haven't yet gotten the yearly pounding from my sisters on how old I am, though, so that could change. (You're right, I love it.)

Anyway, in the spirit of love and unity and pointless competition, I invite you all to take some batting practice with a penguin. Link at http://www.satelliteroad.com/home.html for a little Flash game--you play a quasi-abominable snowman hitting a penguin (who volunteers for the project, by the way).

Thanks also to Drew for the Tribute II mention, finally impetus enough to register at the forum.

Far from Comarre,


/ high above the city / through the ceiling of the stars / <like a SatelliteRoad.com>

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