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Re: Jos? Jos Whedon this!!

> hey, so who's got/seen the Firefly DVD set?  Ysoi?

i picked this up last weekend and have spent this week
obsessing over it.  really.  it's pretty unhealthy. 
add it to the list of shows WAAAY too good for TV.  

the set is good - lots of commentaries, some decent
featurettes, a gag reel, all the episodes in
widescreen, etc.  nice to see the never aired stories
- definitely fill in some of the story lines and
include some great moments.  i just wish they could
have had more episodes - i'm done watching all i have
and keep wishing for more.  though there is that rumor
about a feature film ...

the best thing, though, is seeing how much all those
involved loved doing the show.  hearing them talk
about it and how great the experience was kind of
cushions the blow that it only lasted 14 episodes.

highly recommended for joss whedon fans (in his
commentary for "objects in space" he goes into a long
discussion about sarte and existentialism - which is
why we love joss), and highly recommended to anyone
who enjoys great writing and special effects.  

i could say more, but then this is the OTR list. just
felt the need to share my obsession.  if anyone is at
the St. Elizabeth's benefit tonight, i'll be glad to
talk to you about it (or anything else for that

J'ai decide d'etre admirable, en tout, pour tout!

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