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Guitar Gods and Other Dreams

We just walked in ourselves from the Rock Bottom-- Anita, bink and Beth, and I-- and it's time to try to sleep before Inn The Woods tomorrow morning. We certainly are food-oriented, aren't we?

Yes, tonight was utterly fabulous, though a serious damper for me was the trio of chimpanzees directly behind me who, with voices like breaking glass, talked all through Susan Enan's lovely, spare set, and all through Pedro the Lion (whom I liked mildly until the last song and his parting political commentary, which, screaming liberal that I am, I loved) and began to talk all through the first few songs of OtR, until Anita finally turned in her best mommy face and shh'd them-- FAR more politely than I would have done. Said trio gave her ugly looks, and one snapped, "Well, stop flipping your hair!" which I can only assume was directed to me. Their logic was obviously as sub-par as their manners. 

I feel better now.

Karin got a special birthday gift tonight, aside from the cake and the singing of Happy Borthday: as she was finishing-- what was it? the one our fabulous duo both does on the keys-- one of the tall glass pillar candles tipped right off the organ and splashed both Karin and Linford with hot wax. Now, in context, that's kinda kinky, yeah, but I can imagine it being a tad disruptive. Troupers that they are, they finished bravely and soldiered on.

Oh, what a lovely evening. I finally got to put faces with names: Eric, Zayne, Kylie, Johnny, and-- finally!-- Rhys! amongst others. And getting to see Jay and Lynz, Dan and Margarita, Rick, Debbie, Drew and Wendy, Bru-Say, bink and Beth of course, and so many others-- that's what it's all about for me. Okay, that plus the show.

One comment making the rounds, though, was about one face not present this evening: Paul "Smoky" Moak. Matt Slocum did a fabulous job on guitars, along with Devon Ashley on drums and Rick Plant on bass. But after seeing the tear-it-up job Paul did at the North Star in October, I have to admit I missed him badly. And no, not just cos he's cute. He was astonishing  on the many instruments he played, and the bottom of my jaw was rubbed raw from the North Star's hardwood floors when he was done. He was the only thing-- with the exception of a soundproof wall behind me-- that could have made this evening better.

Though if the rest of the Lostees here manage to get the fire in Bru-Say's hearth going without structural damage, I'm gonna be pretty jazzed about that, too.
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