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Re: The Perfect Gift

> You think Sam Walton made his empire by hard work? hah, nope he made it off
> the hard work of thousands of others then underpaid them....

Actually, from what I've read, Sam Walton himself was a "by the people for the
people" kind of guy, and only after his death did the franchise turn into the
soul-crushing, community-destroying, land-blasting behemoth that it is today.
Not that I'm an expert, but I've read a few articles about Mr. Walton that
suggest he's spinning in his grave at what has been done with his company.

But then, I never knew the guy, so I could be completely wrong.
Don Smith                           Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas@umich.edu                                http://www.rotse.net/dasmith/

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