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RE: Christian Rock

--- rhys frank <shadow@teuton.org> wrote:

> > Sandy Patti, why isn't SHE on the list?
> (:  don't know her.

She is a "Christian" artist (and five time Grammy
award winner) who admitted that her relationship with
backup singer (now husband) Don Peslis had begun in
1991 as an extramarital affair 17 months before she
divorced John Helvering. 

i did my homework before replying :{)} 

> they keep saying 'Jesus would never....'

> bull. who'd he eat dinner with?
> those drunks, prostitues and sinners. and they were
> coarse ungoldy people
> that he LOVED. so he reached out.

Bingo. He'd have a meal with people like ME. Hey,
maybe he can hang out with us at the lostee gathering
after Taft. We're all losers, right? :{P}


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