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not really Re: BPD

I think Madeline L'Engle really gets at it in Walking On Water with
this:  "Basically there can be no categories such as 'religious' art
and 'secular' art, because all true art is incarnational and therefore
'religious.'"  By this definition, they are a christian band, aren't

(sorry Damian, I accidentally sent this to just you a while ago...)
Quoting Damian <damian.sawyer@ntlworld.com>:

> Jason Neely wrote
> > O.K. so it's well
> > defined that they're Christians, and we all know that they ROCK,
> but does
> that
> > make it C-R?  I say not.  Christian-Rock is music that is
> specifically
> written to
> > be C-R.
> I'd say it's Christian Rock in the same way that Jesus was Jewish,
> but was
> hardly a typical Jew.  The spiritual content of their lyrics reminds
> me of
> the statements that led to George MacDonald's rejection by church
> leaders.
> When it comes down to it, there's something about truly creative
> Christianity that alienates those who have limited ideas of what it
> means to
> follow Jesus.  So what's called Christian Rock isn't usually
> Christian (ie
> Christ-like) at all, if it can be classified by a narrow genre.
> -Damian,
>     Pondering verbosity in the face of overwhelming weariness


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