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RE: Rip Torn (was RE: too early?)

Drewbie -

As somewhat of a ridiculous conservative myself, let me just say that I totally agree with you. And thanks for sharing all of that. That kind of puts your initial response in perspective. Once again, I've learned that you never know what is behind someone's comment. Another reason to take it easy on each other, huh?

It frustrates me that:
	* People are so uninformed as to where their entertainment dollar is
being spent

I've had a similar beef for years. Working with teenagers, I've been called to task for seeing a movie simply cuz it has an R rating - even though there is maybe no sex or nudity and the R is for subject matter or maybe one to many F word - like 'Ordinary People' for instance. But the parents let the kids see a movie like 'Coyote Ugly' which, even though there is no nudity or explicit sex, is saturated with sex in ways that are grossly inappropriate for a 15 year old - but hey it's okay cuz its only rated PG13. Stupid! Do your homework Freak Mamma!

	* People are willing to get up in the middle of a show and exit, but
they're TOO SHY to discreetly ask the theatre staff if they'll enjoy the

My parents are wise enough to know what things might "pop up" in a movie or a show. They are smart enough to do their homework. And they don't bother being discreet about it.

	* People can make it past ALL the signs warning of "adult content &
nudity" without seeing them. These people DRIVE?!

That's funny! They can't see a sign which is probably at least 8 1/2 X 11, but they sure can see the penis at 50 yards which is probably no bigger than...well...you get the picture.

	* People cannot separate the DEPICTION of a horrific act (incest)
from the ACT itself. Note that I DO NOT condone incest (duh), but I am
willing to accept the depiction of it in the course of a show to allow a
point to be made.

This reminds me of the whole 'Hotel California' scandal, and that sort of thing. Even if the song is about Satanism, which I don't buy at all, it is obviously NOT a positive portrayal of the thing. But, like you say, if you mention it - even to make a point - you must be it.

Note I am NOT advocating a nudist lifestyle or anything (duh),

And why not? I could use the spice in my life!

At any rate, my intention was just to say that we all come from different perspectives which should be respected. There is indeed healthy sexuality which I believe can be depicted in positive ways in the arts. At the same time it can be depicted in ways that are destructive. I know too many guys who's lives have been devastated by it. But I'm glad you brought this topic up. It's definitely a valid and much needed topic for discussion.

Just a thought...


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