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RE: Rip Torn (was RE: too early?)

From: "Vogel, Andrew (vogelap)" Subject: RE: Rip Torn (was RE: too early?) Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 15:06:45 -0500


* The human body is not something of which you should be ashamed.
Note I am NOT advocating a nudist lifestyle or anything (duh), just saying
that the human body isn't, by definition, "offensive". Sitting in the
theatre, the couple behind me said, loudly, at the time the nekkid guy came
out (in the role of Eros, the winged god of love), "Is that really
necessary?!" and, "I'm glad we decided NOT to bring your mother to THIS
show!". My only thought was that dearest mother, in becoming a mother, had
_probably_ seen "one of those" before! In fact, the house manager told me a
story of taking a phone call from a group of elderly women who wanted to see
the show. He mentioned the fact that there was male nudity, and the old lady
on the phone replied, "It'll be nice to see one of those again. It's been a


-andrew vogel
Manager of Professional Programs
University of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy

Drew, this is just crazy talk! May I point out you're coming precariously close to undermining the Puritanical principles this great nation was founded upon. I'm just grateful to hear they're still alive and well in Cincinnati.

Keith from NY (not much hope for us here)

PS. That old lady on the phone sounds just like my mother.

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