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Re: Send Kylie To The Other Side Of The World

Kylie Wilkerson wrote-

"hey people... 
anyone ever use Priceline.com('name your price') to book a flight?? 

Let's hold a fundraiser and send Kylie to Japan for Christmas!! 

Darling - Christmas is coming *OR* All I ever get for Christmas is
blue... you decide..."

I used priceline.com thrice in 1999, and got to see the Atlanta, Salt
Lake City, Cincinnati, and Saint Louis airports, on flights, the
destinations of which, were nowhere near those cities, because they
happen to be airline hubs.

So, if ALL that you care about is price, set it for a million stops, and
try lowballing them. 

p.s., when I used priceline.com to fly from Saint Louis to Albuquerque,
they gave me a stop in Atlanta, about an entire continent out of the
way. While at William B. Hartsfield International Airport, I did get the
opportunity to meet the lovely Japanese wife of an old friend, who had
met her vacationing on tropical Okinawa.

This makes me think that anyone who might happen to be living on
tropical Okinanwa, would have lots of opportunities to meet several
strikingly beautiful exotic women spending their vacations on the beach. 

The clock is ticking, Kylie;-)

NP-> _The Apple Original Motion Picture Soundtrack_

"It's boring being cruel continuously
sometimes I tire and show sympathy
but, now that we've had this téte å téte
you'll see
that I know how to be a master"- Mister Boogalow from "How To Be A
Master,"  from _The Apple_ 

"I think there's an innocence about the midwest that walks hand in hand
with a kind of mental illness..." Linford Detweiler 1993

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