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Re: [OTR] Gweetings

From: misc@miscelena.com

The landscape around here has changed.  There are fewer trees, more shrubs
and, as you might expect from that switch, the animals have moved away.
You probably won't have to watch your step quite so carefully.

Wow. Sounds like some good ole shakin' up went on while I was gone.
Any stories I should hear?
I'm certainly glad you made the cut...although there are a couple folks that are notably absent...

So far as we can tell, however, the same gathering in that lovely clearing
in Cincinnati is expected in a month or so...  I'm bummed that the rivers
'tween here and there are running high, and I can't make it.

I hear ya. Myself...I'm just not able to pay the ferryman.

Good to see ya... what's in that sack you're carrying? ;)

It's a rather full sack but the load is much lighter. It a nutshell...I'm now working on my master's fulltime at U of L - M.S. in Social Work. I'm in the process of applying for the Marriage and Family Therapy program. Please keep your little cyber-fingers crossed for me!
The better news is that I finally quit my job last month. (If you recall, I redefined 'hate my job'.) It's a little scary financially, but I did the right thing. The blood pressure went back down to normal and I'm happier.
The best news is that I finally became Uncle Kelvin last week!

All in all, I'm a totally different traveller carrying quite a different load from when last passed on the dusty road to self-actualization.
I hardly recognize myself...


Do I contradict myself?
Very well, I contradict myself.
I am large.
I contain multitudes.
          -- W. Whitman

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