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On Tue, 28 Oct 2003, Aaron Edwards wrote:

> Stupid pigs! This is why Christian music sucks! Because they are so
> status quo, that if anyone dare break the rules, then they are condemed
> to hell. What is so ironic, is that OTR's usage of "the f word" is not
> even gratuitous, but rather the rigth word to use. If they used another
> word in place, it would lose meaning. Notice how noone said a darn thing
> when bono said in "Wake up Dead Man" (from Pop), "And a f---ed up world
> it is to." Of course, U2 is not considered Christian (even though three
> out of four members are, in fact, Christians).

while i understand the levels of frustration when you see someone more
concerned with an issue than i myself might be, a responses like this can
really alientate people on both sides of the fence.

i thought it was a well written article. and if you continue to read the
full paragraph (heck, why not readt eh WHOLE article?), you would find a
different tone than the one you're inferring from a sentence.

an entire paragraph is devoted to an explanation of the use of the word,
and *why* it's used. how it's similar to U2's 'Wake up Dead Man', etc.

that is not (to me) the tone of a judgemental and arrogant christian
deciding that things are bad because of one word.

indeed, it sounded much like the writer in question was poking a little
fun at Christianity TOday for NOT including it. for using one word as the

> Sorry, this is an issue that really stirs my bones. I probably should
> not have said "Stupid pigs," but it just really ticks me off. I wonder
> what kind of language the former fishermen, whom Jesus called Disciples
> used. No doubt they said a few things from time to time.

mmm probly

and i further suppose (and have in the past) that Jesus, while eating with
the theives and prostitutes, even laughed at some of the jokes. and others
that were too crude, he probly kinda winced at.

there is a lot wrong with Christianity that will not be fixed by aligning
it with one set of cultural more's or another. be it conservative, liberal
or blue monkey face painting.

Christianity != Conservatism;

never has.  just cos it's more conservative than some types of other
cultural beliefs, does not mean that it's not a moebius strip of

i think that you can loop right back around from conservatism to
liberalism, it's not a line in the air.

hm, and now that i've abtracted myself,


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