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RE: Important news....

While I appreciate Linford's candor with us listees, I'd like to make a few points:

1) Even though all of our thoughts are with them, I'm sure bemoaning lost opportunities to see them isn't much help.  They know its disappointing....let's not make it more difficult by talking about the "what ifs."

2) While everyone assumes this is about their marriage, Linford noted its about "for personal and family reasons."  Marriages include more than just spouses.  Let's pray for health, strength, and wisdom for Karin & Linford and their families and not speculate on what may or may not be the reasoning behind the decision.

3) Linford wrote, "we're not willing to sacrifice our relationship and marriage on the altar of a career" and neither should we.  As far as I'm am concerned the matter is private and needs no explanation.  We are privileged to get a glimpse of these extraordinary people through their music and their performances.  When they draw the curtain, we should respect that and not discuss it.  When the appropriate time comes, this list will respond beautifully with warmth, grace, and love for them.

4) Finally, my prayers are with Karin and Linford, their families and all those with OtR.  I don't have to have the words to ask for intercession on their behalf.  


David Dean
Ph. D. Candidate
Department of History
Arizona State University

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