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Re: Forum for OTR stuff?

And since Paste is their official ordering depot now, perhaps the apple
orchard is decentralizing somewhat anyway. To put it in Nick's words, the
Grey Ghost denizens have better things to do than wrapping shipping tape
around cardboard mailers all day long. Nick said they had lots and lots of
vinyl orders in the first 24 hours with no advertising. They also said they
had between 600 and 1000 warehoused at Paste.

> An official site won't have anything more than my forum, in fact, it may
> have LESS... I don't know what K&L's (and their label's) position on "vines"
> might be... I offered to assist K&L in getting a forum configured, but,
> again, haven't heard back from them about it.
>> I've been there, Mr. Name-caller, really I have. It's that officialness I'm
>> waitin' for. I remember chatting with Linford a year and half ago, and he
>> asked me what I knew about forums. I know it's something they've been
>> wanting to do for a while. I hope they see all this interest and officially
>> nod or host one or whatever. Thet's oll.

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