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TEDIUM is the OTR List Medium

Bruce wrote:
>This is when a listserv is tedious vs. a message board.

I agree... all of this birthday list, city list, favorite
bible verse from leviticus list, dumbest indiana people/
canadians lists, etc... it all gets tedious.  800 posts
a week on OtR's new album is expected.  800 posts in a
day on "how was your bowel movement" is what this other
stuff seems like... IMO.

probably the only type of post like that that i like are
"what are you listening to NOW... no, wait, NOW..." or
"Desert Island Discs," but then even after a day or so,
I get bored of reading those... or I only read the ones
from the people in San Antonio, who know what a post
should be like.

Bruce also wrote:
>Dan, there is no apostrophe in Daniels! It's not named
>after a Daniel (like you may be), it's named after the
>street it's on.. 

1) I didn't post it.  Margarita did.
2) I thought that Daniel's was just too poor to buy a
    replacement apostrophe.


np: bt - emotional technology

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