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Re: confessions of a kazaa user

On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 17:49, Aaron Edwards wrote:
> Yeah, ok, sure. MP3's really cause damage to the
> artists. Even though I have already decided BECAUSE of
> the MP3, that I am going to buy the CD and go to thier
> shows!!!! Capitalistic pigs!

Yeah, my story is similar, but before the advent of all this file
sharing.  I worked at a radio station, and the OtR rendition of "Silent
Night" caught my ear at Christmastime.  So, being the privilaged
employee that I was, I borrowed TWHF and Patience from the stash and
checked 'em out.  I eventually inherited those CDs when the station
changed format.  So I now own two OtR CDs that I have never paid for,
and likely never will.

However, as a result, I now:

*Own all their albums, including Linford's
*Own doubles of some albums, because I turned my girlfriend on to them
whilst dating and she bought some (we're now married)
*Introduced them to my housemates, one of whom went out and bought GDBD
*Attended many a concert (double digits at least)
*Brought many others to many a concert (probably solely responsible for
around 10 people attending)
*Bought plenty of merchanidise[*]

That's off the top of my head.  So the direct revenue to the band (even
after cost of goods and other obligations) is quite likely in the

> Sorry, I know this issue has been discussed time and
> time again on this list, but the actions of the RIAA
> severly anger me. DId anyone hear of that junior high
> girl who is getting sued?


Troy, who has only ever downloaded one song, and that was the
instrumental version of Limp Bizkit's Mission:Impossible theme song, the
full lyrical version of which was on the soundtrack he had already

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