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Re: TWHF and some Lewis stuff

Kristen said:
"And speaking of Till We Have Faces, has anyone here
read Lewis' book of the same name?  It's incredible
and one of my favorites, though it seems to be one of
his more unknown works.  For those who have read it,
what are your thoughts?"

I have a mild obsession with all things cupid/psyche.  I loved the 
Greek/Roman tales in school ("The Iliad" beat "Journey Through Catechism" 
without much of a fight;), but it wasn't until I visited the Louvre that the 
obsession began in earnest. When I saw Antonio Canova's  marble, larger than 
life Eros and Pyche sculpture (1793) I nearly fell over, so moved was I.  
The stone is so well worked as to have the warmth of flesh and passion 
coming from it. I went home to create an homage in silver ( 
http://www.pixieprincess.com/higherplaces.htm ) A few months later at our 
engagement party, two very sweet friends who had endured my many Louvre 
pictures, gave us a mini Eros and Psyche sculpture and Till We Have Faces, 
the book.  It was one of the best gifts ever! It was so very beautiful, sad, 
and telling of human nature.  I think I must read it again soon.  It's like 
a Lewis-a-thon over here, as I just finished the Narnia books.

That took more words than I meant,

np:computer fan and the dog day cicadas

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