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I sent an e-mail to Nick at Paste with info on how to get on the list.  We
may be hearing from them soon.  These guys are great folks and I'm sure
they will try to rectify the problems.  If you didn't receive the
autographed CD maybe e-mail them directly:

mail at pastemusic_com

If you have an extra copy of the CD try passing it on to someone that
doesn't know about the band.  I'm sure others have thought of this
already.  We need a grassroots effort to spread the goodness of OTR.

I for one hope Karin and Linford get on a good tour with someone for next
year.  I love the tour stops at the Ark but they're largely preaching too
the OTR converted.

I had a chance to play them on a small college station this past weekend.
I played Show Me, B.P.D., Bothered, and Anything At All.  The next DJ said
he enjoyed hearing OTR and was glad to see that someone else new about

I'm really enjoying Ohio.  I especially like hearing Linford's piano up
front.  It reminds me of hearing the Circle of Quiet (on Amateur Shortwave
Radio) or Little Blue River. The first time I heard Little Blue River was
in a concert at Calvin College.  I was blown away.  Ohio seems a bit more
Organic in nature than Films for Radio, and I have to say, "I like It."
It seems like a nice followup to "Good Dog Bad Dog."  I do like Films for
Radio, just not quite as much.

Just my two cents.

Bill Keith

Bill Keith, WSDP Radio, Plymouth-Canton Schools
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