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Benjamin Tolbert's "Changes Come" Photo + TBN

Benjamin Torbert <bct1 at dukespam_edu> said: 
"When I was out west, I saw this sunset behind an extremely distant
telephone pole that reallt struck me; I had never 
seen a telephone pole so > look like a cross. I superimposed the text of
my new favorite song over the picture. Is 
this pretty, or is it (no offense meant to anyone) Southern Baptist
home cheezey?" 


"Ethically-challenged" as it might be, I've "stepped out in faith," and,
already printed up 10,000 "O.T.R." (Oration in Tongues Rapture)
placemats, with your design, to sell to Tustin, California's Trinity
Broadcasting Network <www.tbn.org>

Dr. Paul and Jan Crouch can send them out as November's "love gift" to
the prayer partners, who remember to "tuck in" a sufficiently
substantial amount of support. 

Now, if only that Prozac  _Impatience_ Clock deal would come together.

NP-> Nelson Martinez & Michael Martin Murphey- "La Tierra del Encanto"

"I think there's an innocence about the midwest that walks hand in hand
with a kind of mental illness..." Linford Detweiler 1993

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