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Re: What's everybody reading?

On 8/3/03 3:00 PM, quoth the effervescent barrylaw at lightdog_com at 
barrylaw at lightdog_com:

>More than likely Karin and Linford won't pull a groin or separate
>their shoulders during the show.....

But if they do, I want to be there to see it.

Im' in the midst of a series by Jacqueline Carey. 

"Kushiel's Dart," "Kushiel's Chosen," and, just out in hardcover, 
"Kushiel's Avatar." Wonderful series. Full of sex and intrigue and 
politics and sex and a fascinating religion and glorious descriptions and 
sex and...did I mention the sex? It's about a sort of alternate-Europe 
during the Renaissance-- Late Ren, I believe-- and a courtesan/spy who 
lives there. The trick is she's got the unfortunate kink to experience 
pain and pleasure as one. Makes it exceedingly difficult to toture her, 
though that rarely comes up. It's exquisite.

Best of all, though, is that Tad Williams has a new novel out, with 
another series starting soon. I'm over the moon, personally, as this 
guy's books usually make me do backflips of literary ecstasy. The new 
one, "The War of the Flowers," starts kind of slowly, then switches to a 
higher gear and drags you along with the wind in your hair. Did you know 
they have railroads in Faerie? And conference centers? And cell phones? 
No lie.

It's been a good summer so far.

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