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Re: Recent threads

Michael wrote:
> Hey,  Jeff.
> Long time no hear.
> It's never to late to C-Stone, We've now (at
> least for a few more months)
> got two kids, and we just hit 18 years of
> wedded bliss.  We've been
> unemployed, unemployable, under employed,
> overemployed and still found the
> time and funds to go.

I respond:

Here's the rub: I have to twist my wife's arm to
go see OTR, let alone a lineup of bands she's
never heard before. She said the other day, "You
know the best thing about your going back to
work? The CD player won't be filled with 'Jeff
music' *every* day when I come home from work!"

"Jeff music" is pretty much most of the artists
and bands that we discuss on this list.

So what does this have to do with getting to
Cornerstone? Not a whole lot, since I could
theoretically go by myself. But that's a
discussion for later, as attending this year's
fest is out of the question.


Jeff McCloud
226 Arch St.
Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022
Home: (717) 361-8317
Mobile: (717) 468-0306
E-mail: teamccloud at yahoo_com

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