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Re: Ghosts and physcis and stuff

"Peter T. Chattaway" <petert at interchange_ubc.ca> writes:
>To put it differently, after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was fought back in
>1991, Iraq promised (i.e. made an assertion to the effect that) it would
>destroy its various arsenals, many of which are *still* unaccounted for.  
>The assertion in that case was Iraq's to prove, and it never did.

Hmmm. At the risk of ruining a perfeclty good thread about ghosts:

You're correct that Iraq needed prove the assertion that they had no WMDs
*to the UN*. 

But that's a thing apart from the other issue. Since we (in violation of
the UN Charter) went to war without approval from the UN, the assertion
that Iraq had WMDs was the Bush Amdinistration's to prove. 

It's like if I got in trouble for keeping fireworks in my bedroom, and I
promised my dad I'd get rid of them. It's be my assertion to prove I had.
But if my dad was busy verifying my proof and your dad kept insisting I
did have them, even though my dad wasn't convinced, the assertion would be
your dad's to prove.

- John

np: "Bewilder" - Badly Drawn Boy

John Paul Davis
Center for Community Learning
Antioch College

Ned Flanders: Let's just agree to disagree
Principal Skinner: I don't agree to that
Mrs. Krabapple: Me neither


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