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Akron show

Holy s**t.  My first OTR show, and I'm very VERY impressed.  But then, I 
didn't expect otherwise.

TheLimeSpider was packed.  We arrived about an hour before show time and all 
seats were filled.  We assumed a location far right facing stage, where a 
slight side stage made for excellent viewing.  Sound was superb, hats off the the 
Spider's tech.

Karen and Linford have such a special relationship on stage (and i assume 
otherwise too, heh).  Their involvement in the music, their presentation, the 
soul that exudes, really draws in the listener....  I don't know enough of their 
songs to offer a set list, but there wasn't a cough in a car load, I know that.

The crowd was wonderfully quiet at the beginning of the show, but as alcohol 
and time set in, there were several younger ladies nearby that couldn't keep 
their traps shut, and the bar noise was loud (sink wash, empty bottles, etc).  

Got a few good pics of the duo, and I did the stupid tourist thing and asked 
for autographs post-show.  Turns out Karin and Lindford were both born in the 
same county that I was.  I knew L was, didn't know about K.

I think I got a decent tape out of it (crowd noise may be an issue on some 
songs).  I'll vine it out once it's on CDR.

Great show... great show.

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