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Re: Gestalt

heloo jason
i totally understand what your saying, ive only been listerning to otr now for about 12 months, but i am for ever hearing songs on the radio, one song reminds me of a time when i was 8. we just moved from bendigo, to wodonga just over 300kms away, one weekend we came back to get more of our stuff from our old shed, while my parents were unpacking i was going to see my best friend lisa, for what was one of the last times. just on the way there there was that song that goes in the corus " well i would walk 1000 miles" cant remember who sings it or all the words but when i here that song i think of that day.
i hope that as i get older, still listerning to otr, i hope there songs will bring back GOOD memories for me, like all my road trips with there songs blaring and me singing my lungs out, i normally have a sough throat or lose part of my voice after a road trip
anyway nice too hear im not the only one, and congradulations on 4 years of no drinking, top stuff, you are a winner, thats a lot of hard work

Jason Neely <bondibox at bellsouth_net> wrote:
Hi peeple,

I don't share much about myself on this list but recently I've been
feeling something that maybe you feel too. Ever since I quit drinking
alcohol (poison) 4 years ago, I've been able to remember all kinds of
things about my childhood. Last week I put together a CD for my sister
of all the songs we used to play and sing when we were kids. "Doin' the
Banana Split" "Kids are People Too" are just a couple of them. During
my trip to NYC to see her, we were sitting outside at the farmer's
market and I was drinking some apple cider, and one sip brought back all
kinds of memories. I get fresh cider in Kentucky, but not exactly the
same as New England cider. So suddenly I'm transported back some 20
years to high school, driving around the Aspetuck reservoir in our
Morris Minor convertible, playing George Winston. It was a world of
sensations br! ought on by just that sip of cider.

And I was just thinking about Over the Rhine and the associations I have
with their music. Most of my memories are recent, since I've only been
listening to them for about a decade. Yet some of it brings on older
memories too. Especially "Anything At All" and the songs on Patience.
Maybe not exact memories per-se, but the same simpleness that I'd feel
in grade school when they'd round up everybody to sing songs on Friday
afternoons. "Try to remember ... when you were young, and callow

That's the kind of feeling I get when I listen to OTR. Yeah, sometimes
I rock out to "Within Without" or "If I'm Drowning", but mostly I play
OTR when I want to reconnect with that little kid I carry around inside
me. I believe that growing up is the loss of certain inherent magical
qualities; Adulthood is the rediscovery of that magic. OTR is my

So sing, sing a song, sing out! loud, sing out strong!

Maybe I'll see you on S! aturday. Still a little worn out from 1600 miles
of driving. Is anyone going to audio record? Should I?

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