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Temme Track + Field

I have become Dan's email to the list beyatch.

--(From Dan T; dtemm at yahoo_com)--

My track number was #12 in high school.  I got bronchitis
(sp?).  I only ran in one meet.  12 was also my number at
second base in little league for 5 years.

My favorite track number tends to be #5 or #12.  "The
Burning Down" by King's X on _Gretchen Goes To Nebraska_
cements #12 as the kickin'est track #.  5's are also
usually good, due to that's when the AOR artists tend to
throw in their best track (it's to keep you interested).
Perhaps it's like the clean-up batter idea, um... except
it's batting 5th and not 4th.

AOR = Album-Oriented Rock.

Track 8's are also keepers...

Oh, and yes, I usually listen to an album all the way
through.  I don't like skipping.  I don't like channel
surfing.  I don't like radio.  Somehow my finacée still
loves me.  :-)

I usually read the liners.  Once.  After the second
listen of a CD...

...like now,

np: madonna's new one - american life

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