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Track Numbers, All the Way, Liners... (fwd)

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Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 08:30:54 -0400
From: "Temmesfeld, Daniel" <dtemmesfeld at eim-inc_com>
To: Barry.Lawlor at ssa_gov, "Otr (E-mail)" <rgockley at andrew_cmu.edu>
Subject: Track Numbers, All the Way, Liners...

This will not make it to the list, due to my lovely tech
guys at work.  Forward if you like.  Don't forward if you
don't.  It makes no nevermind.

My track number was #12 in high school.  I got bronchitis
(sp?).  I only ran in one meet.  12 was also my number at
second base in little league for 5 years.

My favorite track number tends to be #5 or #12.  "The
Burning Down" by King's X on _Gretchen Goes To Nebraska_
cements #12 as the kickin'est track #.  5's are also
usually good, due to that's when the AOR artists tend to
throw in their best track (it's to keep you interested).
Perhaps it's like the clean-up batter idea, um... except
it's batting 5th and not 4th.

AOR = Album-Oriented Rock.

Track 8's are also keepers...

Oh, and yes, I usually listen to an album all the way
through.  I don't like skipping.  I don't like channel
surfing.  I don't like radio.  Somehow my finacée still
loves me.  :-)

I usually read the liners.  Once.  After the second
listen of a CD...

...like now,

np: michael kelsey's new one - november

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