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Re: Evanescence / Christian Band thing

On Thu, 17 Apr 2003, John Paul Davis wrote:

> It depnds on how chart position is calculated. Sales of a certain genre?
> Or sales in certain outlets? Or a combination thereof? Does an Amy Grant
> album sold in Sam Goody chart on Christian charts? Would Bob Dylan's
> "Slow Train Coming" or "Shot of Love", sold in Family Bookstore chart on
> a Christian chart?
> Just proof that the whole radio and chart industry is, in the words of
> Kriss Kross, wiggety wack.

Kriss Kross has the deep truth there.  It makes you want to <pause>

Question to me is, however, what the _hell_ is the point of worrying about
whether or not Band X is on Chart Y?  Why do we care what others who we
already _know_ are close-minded to Christians not makin' "JESUS-JESUS"
music are saying here?  It's just something to gripe about.  And frankly,
I just don't care anymore.  The farce that is the Christian music scene
and the Gospel Music Association stopped impressing me when I was 19.

We can talk about who belongs and who doesn't in our big fun-lovin' bin of
musicians, but really, why bother?  Aren't there better things to do than
expend energy on an industry that can't see the past of their accounting
ledger?  Who is greater, Christ or the H-Dawg?

(On another note, the 'Jesus-Jesus' music that comes out of the rarified
ghetto of fringe Christian music is _superb_.  Give me _Beautiful
Scandalous Night_ over any twenty songs from a Maranatha collection any

-Drew J

O Drew Johnson - djohnson at snowplow_org - Ld Robert Bartholomew, SCA  )   ^ ^
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