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Re: ysobelle's doppelganger/souls destroyed

> I don't remember her being an opera singer. She worked in an
> office where 
> she wasn't seen often. Ha... i thought it was a different
> channel. But alas, 
> it was TLC.
> Didn't she remind you of Ysobelle??

i wondered if that's the show you meant. i saw the first 1/2 of
that and i have to go w/ no.  did not think of ysoie at all. 
only reason i thought of that show when you said it was cause
that woman's hair was dark, long and wavy.  but that's it as far
as ysoie comparisons.

and females = convertable's and some have stuck tops..  Ha!  i
love it!  ooh i love it!  and i'm not touching the 'Poughkeepsie
vs. masculinity' thing.  you're on your own brutha man.


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