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99 Luftballons is all about how some people released some balloons one day and the whole military machine freaked out when it showed up on their radar and they sent up fighter jets...... and how that ended up destroying their lives. 

but if you want the specific lyrics:

---------- johnd at antioch-college_edu quoth:

> But seriously, what about
> "London Clling" by the Clash and "99 Red Baloons (or
> Lufta? Balons)" by Nena

"London Calling" was in the running and almost made the cut, "99 Red Ballons"? I don't
remember the lyrics well enough. It was an antiwar song?

> Well, I guess we can all run to Canada. Maybe Peter
> will let us stay at his place. ;-)

If he's like some other Canadians I know, his door's unlocked. We can just let ourselves


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