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Re: Cookin' MCs Like a Pound of Bacon

I'm going to jump in way late, because it's an important matter!  IMPORTANT!

Dan Temmesfeld wrote:

>John wrote:
>>I'd not reccomend Little Plastic Castle - for me,
>other stellar tunes off of that record:
>  - Gravel (yes, the _Clip_ version rocks, too)
>i love Revelling, but Reckoning is about 1/2 great,
>1/2 snorey.  double albums can do that sometimes.

I have yet to hear the album LPC, but I own both Living in Clip and R&R,
and 'Clip' is much better, in my opinion.  I suppose part of that is the
extra energy that Ani's older songs tend to have, but also the extra
energy that /live/ performances have.  The only Ani song that has the
distinction of being better studio-than-live is Joyful Girl, and that's
just becasuse I like the instrumentation and remixes better.

I'm not saying Living is Clip is perfect; disc 2 in particular gets a
bit weak toward the middle.  Still, I find it better than any sudio
cration of Ani, Revelling and Reckoning included.

-Smitty the Live Muzak Junkie

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