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Re: An interesting point.

Ysobelle at aol_com wrote:

> http://my.aol.com/news/news_story.psp?type=4&cat=0809&id=030203201807108114
> "Everybody has already got their defining generational media moment 
> burned into their head, and that was the four or five days of and 
> following Sept. 11 of 2001," (Robert) Thompson  (director of Syracuse 
> University's Center for the Study of Popular Television) said. 

Nah. What rock has Thompson been living under? Every post-baby boom 
generation got thier defining moments of tragedy and violence on t.v. or 
movies - in *fictional* stuff. How many 70's babies remember seeing "The 
Day After"? 

The images of carnage and rubble far outstrip the stuff we saw on 
September 11 (and repeated, as nauseum, for days afterward.) I had 
nightmares for months about being in a post-nuclear holocaust and 
getting radiation sickness.

Or, shoot, did anyone see "The Seige"? It predicted Sept. 11 - except 
the target is FBI headquarters in NYC, not the WTC. It came complete 
with Muslims and Arabs being detained and Denzel Washington's amzing 
line where he asks Bruce Willis is maybe the whole point of the 
terrorism wasn't to kill anyone in particular but to get us to "shred 
the Constitution just a little bit."
Too bad Bush/Congress didn't watch the movie...

We were ruined from feeling the effects of real tragedy by watching 
fake, hyped tragedies made by Hollywood.

- John

np: "What You Are" - Audioslave

John Paul Davis
Center for Community Learning
Antioch College

Ned Flanders: Let's just agree to disagree
Principal Skinner: I don't agree to that
Mrs. Krabapple: Me neither

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