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Re: God Bless America (it needs it)

On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 Hazel410 at aol_com wrote:

> http://www.musiccdsettlement.com/english/default.htm

This is actually for real, as far as i can tell.

The basic deal is that the RIAA is admitting to pricefixing. So anyone who
files a claim stating that they bought a CD (or cassette, or vinyl)
between '95 and '00 -- note that no receipt is necessary to prove such --
can receive up to $20. There's a set amount to be paid, though, so the
more people who sign up, the less everyone gets. If the amount drops below
$5 per person, none of the claimants get money -- but it gets donated to
charities and non-profit organizations, so you still win. And my
understanding is that, at the moment, the number of people who have signed
up is still so low that everyone will be getting the full $20. Still a
month or so to go, though.


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