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Re: Best OtR Experience 2002 (long, but all OTR)

Geez, it's so hard for me to pick a 'best'... esp. since 
the first occasions that jump immediately to mind 
involve listees, but not necessarily the band directly.  

I missed the actual Philly show that prompted the 
Rent-a-Don weekend... but that dinner was wonderful
in many ways.  Hanging out later in the summer with
Bink and Beth and Barry... and a few other listees 
whose names don't start with B... was a blast, too.  
Liesel's quarter-of-a-century party and then this most 
recent chance to catch up with Ysobelle and Don were
both happy indirectly-OTR related occasions, also, 
that have made for very happy 2002 memories.

If you need a slightly-more-directly-OTR-experience, 
working the merch table at Iota was probably the best...
it was neat to be meeting people who lurk on the list 
and knew who I was, even if I didn't know who they were.
Met the Barry-boy for the first time that night too, after
he dragged his very tired butt out of class and all the 
way to the club.  ;)  Think of all the music I would have
missed this year if it hadn't been for THAT connection!  

I've spoken (briefly) to Linford and Karin several times
this year: at the Dayton show (when they were so 
generous and kind,) at Iota (twice there now, actually,)
at Messiah College briefly, and again at The Point this
past month.   I'm not sure, though, that I ever have 
anything memorable to say to them; it typically only ever
amounts to this: that I am impressed with their music, 
and that I'm grateful to them for the chance to make so 
many good friends through this list.  

If I have to pick one moment -from-a-concert-, it'd have 
to be something from the Messiah College show... 
maybe 'Cast Me Away.'  I'd wanted to hear that for a 
long long time, and they opened with it, as we were 
walking back into the auditorium.   It was beautiful;
... the crowd vanished, the colors in the room got a 
little brighter, and the focus narrowed down to only 
Karin, or maybe only her voice.  We spent that show 
sitting on the floor at her feet; it was lovely, and they
played many of my personal favorites that night, toy 
piano and all.

Oh, and I v. much liked the waltz played at the Dayton 
show too... I hope it resurfaces soon.  :)

Ok, so I couldn't pick a 'best'... but that'll work as my
text-based 2002 OTR highlight film, perhaps?

A quick-and-cheap haiku to wrap up:

Oh-2's gone;
2003's here...
Happy New Year!

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