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Re: Smeagle rocks (spoilers? Spoil-ED.)

Agreed.  Still, I'm apalled at the lengths to which Hollywood will go
when appealing to the lowest common denominator sometimes.  I seem to
remember the elven language being somewhat different.  Oh, the PROFANITIES!

Well, it is based on Danish or Finnish, I believe, and we all know that once they get some elven wine in them that they can swear like drunken sailors.

Also, the softcore with Aragorn and Arwen wasn't horribly out-of-place,

Well, after "Inventing the Abbots," who hasn't seen Liv Tyler's breasts.  So what is a liitle more.  I mean won't someone please think of the children?  That fabric is so sheer, why bother?

but the gay scene with Merry and Pippin really crossed the line.
There's no WAY that was the best way to escape from their predicament.

We all knew it was just a matter of time.  Now the question remains how long it will take Jerry Falwell to declare that Tolkein was nothing less than a proto-gay rights activist who is trying to subvert American families.
