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<sudden hyperactive delurk>

Hi, everyone.  All.   You.  Yes, you.  

I'm going to be at Taft tonight.  I know others will be at Taft tonight, but nothing else, as I've been completely failing to read the digests lately.  

I think I'm going to get coffee at Kaldi's after the show.  

Are there plans?  Can someone email me offlist and lemme know?  Rhys-a-roo?

Does everyone know that the "r" in the roo in Rhys-a-roo MUST be rolled noticably?  r-r-r-r-oo.

Sorry I've been so absent from here.  :(

But at least I'll actually be making the Christmas shindig this year.  It's been a while.

My feet are cold.  I'm using a mac these days.  I will no longer buy T-shirts from Old Navy, because they always shrink.  Their sweaters are fine, though.  In a couple of weeks, all the student grant teams I've been mentoring will go head to head in competition for $20,000 digital media production awards.  A dozen teams will enter.  4 will leave victorious.  I have a full, red beard.  I am reading _The Pound Era_ by Hugh Kenner.  Also _The War Against Boys_ by Christina Hoff Sommers.  Also _The Catcher in the Rye_.  I like buying original artwork and hanging it on my walls, but it's going to make moving a bear, whenever  I do that again.  I think "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots" is on eof the best album titles ever.  Nihilism vexes me.  I am ambivalent about Nicholas Cage but like to mention that his uncle is Francis Ford Coppola.  I am ambivalent about Coppola's _Dracula_.  My girlfriend, Molly, just got a super bargain on a pair of shiny, burgundy Doc Martens boots.  She'!
ll wear them tonight.  The song on the radio in this coffee shop is really bad, but I've misplaced my headphones and so cannot block it out.  Aye de mi, or whatever.

That's the news from Lake Muncie.

Are you some kind of hypnotist?


</sudden unlurk>

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