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Re: Peter Gabriel Concert (a little tiny bit of OtR)

John Paul Davies wrote:
> [about "Darkness"] is that the first track 


> Same thing happened with Ovo - but in that case I just couldn't stand to hear
> what Peter thought rap was...

Oh, you need to get the Millenium version of Ovo.  Much, much better than the
studio version.  I never listen to the studio version any more.  The other has
much more energy, flows better, and has a more expansive feel to it.

> I think Ali Kahn is on the studio version too. 

Yes, he is.  My point was that since the guy is dead, they played the same
recorded voice tracks from the album track over the live performance.

> It's the first track that stood out for me on the new album.

Really?  It's the second to last song!  The first track that stood out to
me was "Growing Up".  I *love* that beat in the "two dots" sections.  It's
such a great walking song.

Don Smith                           Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                                 http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/

"This is a hoax. To tell the American people they are going to be safer when we
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