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Michelle, nazi leaves, and future mother-in-laws

Hey all...

Michelle...a DVD! ...It's all you've ever dreamed!! :) Yay. Ohhh when they 
release it... all of us should watch it together! You *have* to come back to 
the mainland for that! :)

I raked yesterday. There were so many I had to make a sequel of it later in 
the afternoon. Actually, I raked the leaves with ol' K and L. I had the cd 
player outside(ohmygosh does that make me a redneck?) ...It went a lot 
faster. (da cuttin' room flo, of course)

My future mother-in-law is a crazy psycho...err something. She is the cause 
of all drama in our little part of the world. That's all I will say about 
that. Just needed to vent a little.

Geez. The Taft will be here before we know it. Hey Rhys - what kinda seats 
did ya'll grab??

I think someone fixed the gol'darn list! Yay. Hopefully I don't get 
unsubscribed again.

sorry for rambling,

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