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Re: Yea! I am married!

On 11/10/02 9:49 AM, quoth the effervescent 
youaremorethanyouthinkyouare at yahoo_com at 
youaremorethanyouthinkyouare at yahoo_com:

>I'm married!  Brian and I were married yesterday in
>the most wonderful Civil War ceremony.  I don't know
>if anyone is still interested in pictures and details,
>but if so I can post it all next week when we get back
>from Maine.  I was still picking bird seed out of my
>hair last night.  :)  

How wonderful! Congratulations!

And let me think...someone has a costumed event. Not only a costumed 
event, but a costumed _wedding_. Do I want to see pictures? DO I???

That'dbe a big fat "hell, yesh!", woman! WOOTY WOOT!

>Well, it's off to the airport. 
>I hope you are all having as wonderful a day as I am!

I'm not sure that's possible on an average day, considering what we're in 
competition with.

>Mrs. Bailey  :)

Aww! Woot once again!

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