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Re: Y.H.F.?

--- Bruce Lachey <b_lachey at hotmail_com> wrote:
> Does any contributor on this list have opinions re:
> Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, the newer one from Wilco?

ooh, ooh i do, i do.

when i first got it . . . well, actually, when i first
got it, it was by downloading it from the website. 
but when i first bought it, i listened to it a couple
of times and it didn't do much for me.  i didn't think
it was bad, but i couldn't see what all the hubbub was
about.  so i tucked it away for a bit, then one day in
july i pulled it out again on a road trip down to
columbus.  and it blew me away.  lyrics i'd glossed
over before came to the fore.  sounds buried
previously pricked my ears.  i was like, "how did i
miss this all the first time?"  but i'm glad i found
it now.

you're right, though, quite hard to listen to at
first, especially if you're expecting straightforward
arrangements.  but the songwriting is strong enough to
withstand the sonic playing around on the cd.

they were in cleveland last week, but alas, i had to
work (story of my life)  kicking myself for not
*cough* calling in sick *hack, cough*  tried to see
IATTBYH, but the stupid independent theater in
cleveland refuses to do matinees at matinee prices and
i didn't have enough cash.  figure it won't lose too
much in its transfer to dvd.

off to finally order my copy of TCRF.  not sure what's
taken me so long . . . Æ

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