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Another note from a travelling friend

Hi, everyone!

I'm still on the road, making my way to the observatory.  I'm up in the Blue
Mountains outside of Sydney.  I spent today hiking up and down mountain trails
to see waterfalls and magnificent vistas out over staggering valleys and
rainforests.  Very cool.  Haven't had the opportunity yet to get all my
australia pictures on-line yet, but I'll let you know when I do.  Emails from
friendly faces would be extremely welcome, as traveling by onesself can get
very wearing after a while.

Disovered a really talented new band from Perth; I have no idea if they're
getting distributed in the States, but I highly recommend checking out the John
Butler Trio.  Very bluesy folk-rock.  Butler has a very raw but compelling
voice, and he pours a lot of frustration at current socio- political-economic
trands into his music.  Good stuff.

Speaking of socio-political-economic, has anyone read "No Logo" by Naomi Klein?
Picked it up in a bookstore on a whim and found it to be a very informative,
insightful, and enjoyable read about the growth of multinational brands, loss
of meaningful jobs, and the connection between big name brands and third world
sweatshops.  Fascinating stuff.

Hope everybody is doing well!!!
Don Smith                           Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                                 http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/
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