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RE: Re[2]: A Friday night show? What were they thinking?

>A Friday night show, on Oct. 18, at Messiah
>>College, 45 minutes from home, with two
>>bands/artists that I love, when my wife's out of
>>town on business and I'm responsible for our
>>2-year-old son? What were they thinking?

Just pop in a Veggie Tales tape and say, "Daddy is going to go upstairs for
a minute".  So he will be a little confused, I mean does he really
understand what "a minute" means at this age?  And I'm thinking you or your
wife have probably been with him pretty much *every* stinking day of his
life so far....he's probably a bit tired of you and could use some alone
time.  I mean really how many times can he listen to you tell him a
goodnight story. As soon as he realizes you are gone, he'll pop out the
Veggie Tales tape and switch over to Letterman.  Do it *for* the kid....he
needs his space.  Sounds to me like you are smothering him, and not allowing
him any kind of freedom whatsoever.

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