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Re: shaking my fists at the sky

I can't beat what Ysobelle said.  In fact, I hardly think I can do this 
subject justice.  All the same, I feel the need to reply.

First, as a male product of the US school system, I have been rather 
conditioned to feel no pain and show no emotion.  (That fact irritates 
me, and I have been working on getting over the emotional numbness.) 
 Just the same, your post nearly moved me to tears.  I thoght of how I 
would react if my own father were gone.  He is not yet, but he will be 
at some time.  I don't know how I would handle it.  I've always been 
dad's boy, while my brother was more attached to our mother.  He has 
been a person I could identify with, relate to, and commune with when I 
needed to.  Because of that, I can feel your pain, in whatever way a 
person who has not actually experienced such a loss can feel your pain.

The only words of comfort I can offer are those that faith leads us to. 
 You will see your father again.  He is not gone, he has just gone away. 
 This life is but a temporary glimpse fo what the next life can bring. 
 All the joy you have felt can be magnified a thousand fold in the next 
life; surely that is worth some sacrifice today.

Perhaps the book of Job can bring you insight, or even peace.  You have 
experienced a loss that no one would wish upon another, yet is 
inevitable for all of us.  Be mindful of the good times you had, and the 
good times yet to come.


(No nifty tagline this time, the subject warrants absolute sincerity.)

TYoder at sschwab_com wrote:

>please excuse breaking into your days with my pain...but i see you all as
>friends...and...i just need to do this....
> tomorrow it will be 6 months since dad died.
>the anger & pain is intense for me.  i took yesterday off.  my husband & i
>biked, then took 3 hours and rented a boat on the lake.  what a gorgeous
>day. - a day i needed. - a day to relax and forget about work.  at one
>point my husband pointed out a great blue heron beside us, and the pain
>tore thro' me. dad loved those birds.  little things that remind me tear me
>apart.  i see horrible people thrive-my dad's body is cold in the ground.
>i see mean people still surrounded by family & friends-my family & i are
>fatherless...and that kills me.  i hear a bird outside my window, and tears
>stream down my face as i know i can't ask him what kind of bird that was.
>i see a sky full of stars and remember that night at the cabin...during the
>meteor shower, as in the faint glow of the night sky i watch my son's face
>as grandpa answers his questions about the stars...and i want to scream...i
>want god to be here, so i can beat my fists on his chest and scream
>"why??!!" to his face.  i want to go back...to the emergency room to hold
>tighter to his shaking cold hand-his body wracked in pain -and beg him to
>stay and fight...no.... farther back...so far back i can somehow change the
>course of this recent history...spare him the pain, the anguish that
>brought about this end....no...  i want to go back beyond to those times
>when he was so tickled with something that he'd giggle...those blue eyes
>twinkling.  ....no...i want to go even farther back to when i was oblivious
>to his pain...when the little girl i was believed naively that her daddy
>would always be around to tickle her. .........
>this past sunday i found a letter from my daddy that he wrote to me during
>my angry angry years...during the time i just knew he and mom were
>mistaken...about everything....during the time i especially hated being a
>mennonite...the time i felt completely misunderstood....he explained how he
>understood...had been there himself...he called me his "dear dear daughter"
>and i couldn't read anymore.  i shook uncontrollably as i am now.
>                    ..................twila

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