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Re: World Theatre? - Please help.

> I have run upon this cd
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=905196251
> World theatre has ties to Cincinnati and had Linford in the band.
> Would anyone care to share more information about this?

How cool....something I know the answer to.

World Theatre was mainly Tim McAllister (who also did Flock 14).  It also
had Gary Egger who did a group called Human Condition.
Tim co-produced TWHF and Patience I believe.  Linford also played on Tim's
latest project which I'm anxiously awaiting after getting a pre-release from
Tim awhile back.
It seems like I heard somewhere that Karin worked with Tim on something as
well under a different name.....but I'm not positive about that.

There's a page about Tim on OTR's site at
And he's got pages at :
and his World Theatre page  http://www.factrecords.com/wt/index.html

I've emailed back and forth a few times with him....VERY nice guy.


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