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RE: Wow!

That was lovely and well-written, a nice way to start off my Tuesday.  I bet
Linford's proud of you when he reads it...

"We're not really a party band."  --Linford Detweiler

Ysobelle wrote:
> I wondered for a bit about how one state looks very much like another
> around here. They don't actually change colours like they do on the
> puzzle maps you have when you're a kid. Orange-- I think Ohio was orange.
> Or maybe blue. But this weekend was green and brown, with Sunday adding a
> brutal red around the edges. I was so hot I briefly turned cold-- a scary
> thing when there's no air conditioning for hours yet and you have to
> spend those intervening hours smiling and bouncy-happy in the sun. In a
> corset. And a black dress.
> Still, I wouldn't have it any other way. It's a lover who might be
> fickle, but one I'll never leave, and one who's never the same from one
> place to the next, but always constant. One I'll chase eight hours
> through blinding tropical depressions across several states at a time,
> but with whom I always feel safe at home.
> Not everyone's lucky enought to have something that crazywonderful in
> their lives, so I'll count my blessings. And thank G-d I had someone to
> share the driving with.

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