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Re: every night

ysobelle asked:
I'm still waiting for someone to give me their personal take on 
"Every day a page of paper/Every night a photograph/A moveable feast."

rhys said:
having nothing to do with personal take, just the image that pops 
into my
head every time i hear it....
a gypsy wagon, sitting near the fire. sad mad wild music playing, and
people dancing. and one girl sits in the shadows watching it all, for
some reason, instead of joining in. until at last, the music dies out and
everyone falls to sleep. and she gets up, and walks through the camp
touching here and there bits of color.

personally, i like that phrase alot. it reminds me of how many times  i
watch. and how important the memories are. some people have to work
really hard to pull them up [the memories], mine just are. the whole
moment i recall happens in one big instant loop, like a photograph - you
can't tell which happened really first, since it all happens in a now
 it reminds me of moving, packing things up. and how everything you touch
has a memory associated with it. sometimes you can get lost in the memory
- overwhelmed. time slows, and stops.
(sorry for quoting the whole thing, i just couldn't pick anything to
leave out!)

I say:
i was going to respond when you first asked the question, but then a few
people said some things and i realized what i had to say wasn't that
different, so i kept quiet. but yesterday, after reading what rhys said,
i was thinking about the phrase "i can't wait". 

i think that saying "the world can wait" is like a response to the
attitude of "i can't wait for.. ". and how thinking about how great
things in the future are going to be, or wishing that they were
different, takes our focus off of what is here now. what is here now to
enjoy and to learn from. every day there's a story, a picture, a party -
and i want the world to hold on a second so i can watch. 

if someone could make what i said related to what rhys said, that would
be great. because the two things seem related in my mind, but i'm just
not sure that i can express HOW. 



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