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Re: LiveJournal&apologies for my absence.

">Okay, is everyone familiar with online journals/blogs?
>Now, as far as these services go, LiveJournal is my favorite.  Come
>and see, you'll understand. You can be a voyeur into thousands
>of lives.You'll need an invite code, but I
>have dozens of those -Smitty the Mad Journaller".

I've been addicted to online journals for years. Weirdly I learnt of them 
from my orthapaedic consultant, who thought it would be a good way of 
keeping my body still and my mind from becoming a vegetable during  
post-operation  recovery. The sites are a true testament to human nature.  
Stupidly I deleted my Live Journal, and emigrated to Open Diary 
(www.theopendiary and www.freeopendiary.com).  I've been attempting to nab a 
LJ code for months, but my friends had mostly given their allocated codes 
out (I was even going to pay) ....**thank you so much**.
As for my disapearance, I apologise. Exams and post chicken pox tiredness 
are not helpful in allowing me to keep up with everything.
I'm coming out of lurk mode now,

(now moving into www.livejournal.com/user/closertomyself)

now watching:-  The Queen's jubilee pop&rock concert, like a dutiful Brit. 
(!)  Sir Paul M. and all the performers are singing 'Hey Jude.' Pure bliss.

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