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Re: clones (spoilers?)

--- "Peter T. Chattaway" <petert at interchange_ubc.ca> wrote:
> Anakin fulfilled his destiny and restored "balance" to the

> Force by killing the Emperor mere minutes before the 
> Rebels would have blown both of them up anyway.
Perhaps the balance Anakin was to bring was not an end to
the dark side, but an ability for the dark and the light to
coexist. Yin and Yang. For Joy to live alongside suffering.
For attachments, desire, fear, anger, love, and even hatred
to work for the greater good. as you have already stated, it
is his "attachment" to his son that led Vader to betray
palpatine (an event Vader said Palpatine prophecied) and
vanquish the dark side of the force. 

Bradley S. Caviness, Bigwig
Bigwig Enterprises


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